How to Recycle Metal

How much do you know about metal recycling?

Is It Larger Than a Credit Card?

Small materials on their own can get stuck in recycling machines. A good rule of thumb: if it’s larger than a credit card, it’s in the clear. If it’s smaller than a credit card, like a bottle cap, either reattach the lid to the bottle and recycle it together, or toss the lid in the waste container.

Smaller than a credit card

Is it Empty. Clean. Dry.®?

You just strained some canned beans and corn for dinner. Both cans have residue. Don’t recycle them as is! Rinse them out in the sink and tip them upside down to dry before you place them in your recycling container. This way, they don’t contaminate all the other materials in your recycling container.

Less than a teaspoon of liquid

Metal / Aluminum Recycling

Metal you can recycle

  • Metal cans from vegetables, fruit or beans
  • Metal cans from meat, fish or pet food
  • Aluminum soda cans
  • Aluminum foil (unsoiled)

Metal you shouldn’t recycle

  • Aluminum foil (soiled with food)
  • Pop tabs (on their own)
  • Bottle caps (on their own)
  • Razor blades

Ready to Recycle Other Materials?

Plastic Paper Cardboard